----------------------------------- # ODB is a binary format. There are no new lines or spaces in the file. 4f 50 45 4e 54 52 41 43 4b 45 52 # Magic String "OPENTRACKER" 30 30 30 33 # ODB Version Number in ASCII characters. In this case, version = "0001" = 1 ----------------------------------- FE # FE = Opcode that indicates following is a torrent information. ----------------------------------- # Torrent information starts from here. 00 02 2e 33 01 c4 a1 df bb 82 1f 51 0f b5 b6 02 6f 93 6e 9f # 20 byte info_hash of torrent ----------------------------------- e2 37 59 01 00 00 00 00 # Last access time in minutes since UNIX epoch, 8 bytes. # At present, when loading ODB file, just use current clock, ignore this. ----------------------------------- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # Seeding peer count for current torrent. 8 bytes long integer in little endian. # NOT used at present. ----------------------------------- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # Total peer count for current torrent. 8 bytes long integer in little endian. # NOT used at present. ----------------------------------- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # Download times of files in current torrent. 8 bytes long integer in little endian. # NOT used at present. ----------------------------------- 01 00 00 00 # Peer count in current peer, 4 bytes integer in little endian. ----------------------------------- # Peers information starts from here. 7f 00 00 01 # 4 bytes ip address in network byte order. In this case, 0x7f000001 = "" 1b 31 # 2 bytes port in network byte order. In this case, 0x1b31 = 6961. 80 # Flag of peers. SEEDING = 0x80, COMPLETED = 0x40, STOPPED = 0x20, LEECHING = 0x00 00 # Reserved. Just set zero. ----------------------------------- ... # Other peers information. ----------------------------------- FE ----------------------------------- ... # Other torrent information. ----------------------------------- FF # EOF opcode.